鑄造鋁鎳鈷,強度高,抗腐蝕能力強,具有良好的溫度穩定性,最高工作溫度可達600℃以上。 產品應用廣泛,主要用於各種感測器、儀錶、電子、機電、醫療、教學、汽車、航空、軍事技術等領域 。

鋁鎳鈷合金磁鐵 AlNICo Magnet
鎳鈷合金磁鐵是由金屬鋁 、鎳、鈷、鐵和其他微量金屬元素構成的一種合金。其金屬成分的構成不同, 磁性能不同,從而用途也不同。鋁鎳鈷永磁有兩種不同的生產工藝:鑄造和燒結。鑄造鋁鎳鈷工藝可以加工生產成不同的尺寸和形狀,強度高,抗腐蝕能力強,具有良好的溫度穩定性,最高工作溫度可達600℃以上。 產品應用廣泛,主要用於各種感測器、儀錶、電子、機電、醫療、教學、汽車、航空、軍事技術等領域 。
Cast AlNiCo Magnet are ideal for high temperature applications up to 600ºC,Cast AlNICo Magnet is very stable, has good corrosion resistance and a typical hardness of 50 Rockwell C. Once cast, the material is so hard that the only machining possible is grindingCast AlNICo Magnet represents the most versatile magnet material available. The range of properties can be accurately designed for specific applications by changes to element analysis and heat treatment.
n Typical Applications of Cast AlNICo Magnet
n ABS braking system magnets
n ABS braking system magnets
n Reed switch operating magnets
n Electricity meter damping magnets
n Holding/clamping applications
n Microwave applications
n Weighing scale damping magnets
n Electropermanent systems
n Calibration magnetsn Heat treatment jigs and fixtures